Price : On Request

Recruitment Services:

Permanent Staffing Solutions: We provide our client/s the 'Right Talent' within the optimum time frame from our rich database of talented and experienced candidates.The shortlisting of resumes are done by our higly experienced HR professionals.
Temporay Staffing/ Contract Staffing Solution: We also provideTemporary/ Contract staffing for short term/ long term contracts.
Premium Placement Services: This service is for Providing candidates for Senior Management [Deputy General Manager , General Manager, CEO, Director etc.] positions.Our senior and highly experienced associate/s take/s care of intearcting with the client, understanding the profile of the Company , expectations of the Top Management from the candidate and sourcing of the candidate.
Assisting Companies in conducting and shortlisting candidates by conducting interviews (For Mumbai/Navi Mumbai/Thane Locations Only).

Designing, Framing and implementation of HR Policies and Procedures:

Formulating and designing HR Policies and Procedures.
Preparing 'HR Manual' of the Company in consultation with the Top Management.
Implementation of the Approved HR Policy by training the HR Executive/s.
Preparation of 'Draft Standing Orders' of the Company.
Preparation of 'Service Rules' for employees not being 'workmen' under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Setting up an Effective Performance Management System :

Framing and Implementing an Effective Performance Management System suitable to the Company by adopting any /combination of more than one of the modern techniques of performance Appraisal like MBO Technique, Competency Based Appraisal, 360 Degree Appraisal , Critical Incident method , Forced Distribution Technique as per Organizational need.
Assist in Competency Mapping & Competency Assessment.

Training and Development:

Training up employees in Quality Management System.
Training Employees & Establishing Documentation and Record Keeping system as per International Standard.
TNA, Training Budget, Training Calendar.
Quality Circle, Class Room training, OJT, Training Cell etc.
Evaluation of Training Programmes.
Various other Trainings as per Organizational need.


Formulating and designing HRIS and MIS as per Company's need.

Prepartion of JD ( Job Description) :

Preparation of Job Description of various positions across the Organisation.

Labour Law Advices:

Advices on P.F. Act, ESI Act, S & E Act, Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, Industrial Disputes Act, MLW, Bonus Act, Gratuity Act , Maternity Benefits Act etc. by highly experienced qualified HR Professional.
Assisting in taking Disciplinary actions, Framing Charge Sheet, Suspension, Conducting Domestic Enquiry etc

Compensation & Benefits Management:

Salary, Leave Management , LTA, Full and Final Settlement of resigned employees.

Customised Services as per Need of the Client Company:

To Construction Companies by professionally qualified and highly experienced Civil Engineer/s and Mechanical Engineer/s.
To Textile Companies by professionally qualified Post Graduate and highly experienced Textile Engineer/s.
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  • Place of Origin : Not Given
  • FOB Price : On Request
  • Minimum Order Quantity : Not Given
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  • Packaging & Delivery
  • Packaging Detail : Not Given
  • Delivery Detail : Not Given
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